120 Doncaster Ave. Thornhill, Ontario L3T 1L3
416.901.6151 info@enginess.io enginess.io
@Enginessio @Enginessio @Enginess.io @Enginess.io
Client / Bruce Power
Service / Consulting and Enterprise Content Management
Industry / Energy and Natural Resources
When circumstances like these present themselves, you need the right expertise and skillset to bring it all together. When on top of everything, budgets are tight, then an open source solution may just be the ticket. So even though Bruce Power operates the largest nuclear generating facility in the world, Enginess leveraged a standard WordPress theme – along with available community plug-ins – to deliver a solid, reliable and effective online publishing platform. This allowed Bruce Power to gain efficiency around the management of the digital platform and get the new content up faster, making it more accessible, useful, and easier to reach and to update from a multi-point management approach. The success of the program can be measured through significant increases in traffic and viewer engagement.