Groups and individuals that are involved in animal health surveillance in Canada and support the CAHSS principles can become network members. Participation is voluntary. Currently, industry and veterinary associations and their members, and federal-provincial-territorial governments including agriculture and animal health, public health and environment are active in CAHSS.
CAHSS Networks include WeCAHN, CEZD and PDS.
About WeCAHN - Western Canadian Animal Health Network
WeCAHN is a "network of networks" WeCAHN is composed of species-specific networks, each performing surveillance and intelligence-gathering in their respective sectors. The core activity of each species network is the quarterly meeting of experts, discussing animal health data and events of the preceding three months. The experts consist of veterinary practitioners, laboratory scientists, epidemiologists, researchers, and industry representatives. All contribute data to the discussion, identifying disease trends and sharing best practices.
About CEZD - Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases
The Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases (CEZD) is a Canadian virtual multidisciplinary network that includes partners from provincial, federal and municipal governments, industry, and academia in areas of public, animal and environmental health.
Through the gathering of information, analysis, and the generation and distribution of timely intelligence reports, Canada is now better able to anticipate, manage, and mitigate pending disease threats on its society, economy, environment, and animal resources.
About PDS - Prairie Diagnostic Services Inc.
Prairie Diagnostic Services Inc. (PDS) is a non-profit corporation created by a partnership of the Province of Saskatchewan and the University of Saskatchewan. PDS is dedicated to providing veterinary diagnostic services and is accredited by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) and the Standards Council of Canada to ISO/IEC 17025 standard.
PDS is located at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) in Saskatoon with laboratories integrated directly into the College. The laboratory provides a full range of diagnostic services including necropsy, surgical pathology, clinical pathology, histology, bacteriology, immunology, molecular diagnostics, virology, and toxicology. A contract lab at WCVM provides endocrinology services.