Why Digital Accessibility Matters for Nonprofits

Posted / 01 March, 2022

Author / Enginess

Why Digital Accessibility Matters for Nonprofits

Digital accessibility is the ability of individuals with disabilities to access, navigate, interact with, and inclusive society. It’s about removing barriers for people who have trouble accessing the internet because of their physical or mental condition.

Nonprofits are now also looking at ways to incorporate digital accessibility into their services. This can be done through a variety of methods like using screen readers, providing captions on videos, developing accessible websites, and more. Here are some ways that nonprofits can make their services more accessible digitally. 

Why Digital Accessibility Matters

Digital accessibility is important for nonprofits because it’s helping them get the word out about their services. When people can’t access online content, they don’t have the same opportunity to learn about nonprofits and their services. With digital accessibility, nonprofits are making it easier for those with disabilities to feel included in a digital society and to get information about important services.

However, not all nonprofit sites are easy to navigate for those with disabilities. There are some things that nonprofits could do differently to improve their site and make it more accessible digitally. For example, if you're designing your website without any input from those with disabilities, you might want to rethink your design plan. It's best if you consult someone with knowledge of disability before designing your website so that you will be able to design an inclusive site that everyone can access equally. The last thing that nonprofits want is for people with disabilities to feel left out or unable to use their services because they didn't account for this group when designing the website.

The Importance of Online Media for Non-Profits

The internet has become an important way for nonprofits to raise awareness and recruit volunteers.

MLK Day of Service is an example of how nonprofits are using online media to increase their reach. They partnered with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and other social media platforms so they could reach a wider audience. They were able to raise $2.7 million in donations on MLK Day in 2018 by leveraging the power of digital marketing. With more people turning to the internet as a resource for information, nonprofits must also make themselves accessible digitally.

Digital Accessibility Services for Non-Profits

If you have a nonprofit, then you have a responsibility to make your services available to everyone. Digital accessibility is all about removing the barriers that people face when they are trying to access digital content. You can do this in a variety of ways like using screen readers or providing captions on videos. Going digital may not always be easy as there are many different obstacles that people with disabilities may face when they're trying to navigate the internet. That's why it's important for nonprofits to consider these obstacles and implement some of these methods into their work.

Building a Website That is Accessible

Many nonprofits have websites with a lot of content on them. Website visitors will want to be able to access that information regardless of their ability level. To do this, you need to make sure your site is accessible for people with disabilities. There are many ways you can do this including:

  • Organizing the website in a standard way so it’s easy for disabled users to navigate.
  • Describing each page with text and/or videos so users know what they’re clicking on before they go there.
  • Using captions on videos so that deaf or hard of hearing viewers can see them as well.
  • Adding screen readers or other technology to make browsing the site easier for those who cannot use a mouse or keyboard.

Creating Videos That Are Accessible

Videos can be a powerful way for nonprofits to communicate their message. But it’s important to make sure that all people, regardless of disability, are able to access the video. This isn’t always an easy thing to do! Videos should be posted in an accessible format, have captions, and offer transcripts. This makes it possible for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, have low vision, or have other disabilities to still watch the video and understand its content.

A nonprofit might also choose to create audio-description videos where a narrator describes what’s happening on screen. Individuals who are blind or have low vision can use audio description to understand what is happening in the video.

Making your videos accessible is a good way for nonprofits to promote inclusion and accessibility for all members of society.

Wrap Up

Nonprofits are increasingly relying on websites, social media and videos to reach donors and volunteers. One of the best ways to ensure these channels are accessible is by building websites that follow the World Wide Web Consortium’s accessibility guidelines. This article outlines a few of the best practices for nonprofits to ensure their sites are accessible.

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