Employee Portals: How to Create a User-Friendly Site

Posted / 13 April, 2023

Author / Enginess

Employee Portals: How to Create a User-Friendly Site.

Employees are a company’s most important assets. They have the power to increase your company’s productivity and revenue, or they can cause a workplace chaos. No matter how much you want to trust your employees, there is always a chance for them to go rogue.

So it’s important to know what you can do from a management perspective to help prevent this from happening. Establishing an employee portal that allows employees access to sensitive data is one of those things. Keeping all employee interactions in one place has many benefits including saving time and money as well as reducing the risk of breaches. In this article, we will cover how to create an effective employee portal that will save your company time and money while also increasing its security.

The importance of an employee portal

One of the benefits of a good employee portal is that it provides a way for employers to minimize the amount of time they spend emailing documents back and forth. Instead, all communications are centralized in one place which makes it easier for employees to have access to anything they need.

Additionally, an employee portal can be helpful in reducing security risks because everything is kept in one spot. With a good password system and other security measures, your company can reduce the risk of breaches which could involve sensitive information being leaked to the public.

In order to create a good employee portal, you want to put some thought into your design. You want it to be user-friendly and intuitive so that employees can easily navigate and find what they need. One way you could do this is by making sure that there are multiple ways for people to sign in - through their browser or through an application like Google Chrome or Firefox. This will ensure that not only your employees but also your customers and vendors (if you use them) will be able to access what they need when they need it without any hassle.

Create a user-friendly site

For a site to be successful, it has to be user-friendly. The best way to accomplish this is by making sure that the site reflects your company’s branding and provides a clear path for employees to navigate. There are many ways to do this. One way is by using color schemes that look professional and inviting. Another way is by adding FAQ pages that answer commonly asked questions about how the site works. You should also use simple language on all pages, including the homepage, login page, and FAQ pages. If your site includes video tutorials or links to instructional videos, all the better! If your website includes links to other parts of your website, make sure they are placed in an easy-to-find area on every page for easy access.

Integrate with other systems and tools

One of the most important aspects of establishing a user-friendly employee portal is integration with other systems and tools. For example, your company’s HR system will need to be integrated with your employee portal so that it can send emails, create schedules, and make payments. You also want the communication tools you use at work to be integrated as well. This means integration with Slack, SharePoint, OneDrive, and more. If there are any other third-party applications that employees from your company use frequently that you want accessible from the employee portal then those should be integrated as well.

In order for this all to work seamlessly for your employees they need to have a user ID and password set up beforehand. Otherwise it would defeat the whole purpose of having a user-friendly portal in place.

Wrap Up

Creating an employee portal can be a simple task. The first step is to create a shared space where your employees have access to all the company's information, including sensitive data. You can then use that space to communicate with your employees, provide them with training opportunities, and promote company culture. When creating this platform, it is important to make it user-friendly so your employees will want to use it. Keep in mind that your portal should be mobile-friendly, intuitive to navigate, and easy for everyone to read. These are the qualities that will help make your site effective.

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